Local Fun Diving
There are more than 28 local dive sites around Koh Tao. Click to see the package prices!
There are more than 28 local dive sites around Koh Tao. Click to see the package prices!
1.800 ฿

Local Fun Diving
- 06:00– 10:30. Our morning dives are the deepest of the day, with usually a trip to either Chumphon Pinnacles, Southwest Pinnacle, the HTMS Sattakut Wreck, Hin Wong Pinnacle, Green Rock and similar. We usually return to the shop around 10:30.
- 12:30 - 16:30. Our second departure of the day is for a shallow session, such as those found at Japanese Gardens, Aow Leuk, and Mango Bay, or any other local dive sites.
- 2 dives = 1800 THB (Local dive sites)
- 6 dives = 4500 THB (Local dive sites)
- 10 dives = 7000 THB (8 local + 2 at Sail Rock)
- 14 dives = 9100 THB (13 local + 2 at Sail Rock)
- 20 dives = 12000 THB (16 local + 4 at Sail Rock)
- 30 dives = 19500 THB (24 local + 6 at Sail Rock)
- 40 dives = 20000 THB (32 local + 8 at Sail Rock)
- 50 dives = 35000 THB (unlimited Sail Rock)

Sail Rock
Journey on the best dive site and - Sail Rock. The trip includes breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea and soft drinks.
- You can expect to see huge amounts of tropical marine life, including Giant Groupers, Schools of Batfish, thousands of schooling Big Eye Trevally, Barracudas of all sizes and much much more (including a whale shark - if you are lucky)!
2 dives are included in the price!

Night Dive
Schedule: 17:30-20:00
- We depart the shop at 17:30 and head to one of the many dive sites around Koh Tao.
- During the Night dive you can expect to see a huge amount of hunting marine life.
Мы регулярно посещаем практически каждое место для ныряния вокруг Ко Тао (насколько на позволяет погода). Мы рассматриваем все места для погружения как местные, за исключением Сэйл Рок (Sail Rock) и Самран (Samran Pinnacle).
Нажмите на кнопку ниже для подробной информации о местах для ныряния, которые мы регулярно посещаем.
- 06:00 — 13:30 — Sail Rock — 2 погружения, завтрак, ланч, прохладительные напитки
- 06:00 — 10:30 — 2 x местных погружения
- 12:30 — 16:30 — 2 x местных погружения
- 15:30 — 21:00 — Погружение на закате и ночью — 2 погружения, обед, прохладительные напитки
Включено в стоимость:
- Трансфер от / до Вашего отеля
- Страховка
- Опытный инструктор / дайв-мастер
- Все необходимое оборудование и снаряжение